Matilda, the musical Director’s Notes

We are back at it again, building on the momentum from last fall’s production. This production of Matilda brought a whole new set of challenges, least of which was trying to corral 45 highly energetic youth and help them focus long enough to mount a show of epic proportions. But gosh darn it, we were successful! In the process we helped so many kids tap into the untapped, and unleash their nascent talents that were bottled up, but which we knew were present and just waiting for the right opportunity and platform.

These amazing youth rehearsed sometimes 4 days a week over the course of 4 months, which speaks volumes not only of their commitment, but those of the dedicated parents who partnered with us in encouraging artistic excellence. Kudos to the creative team for your persistence and unwaveringly pushing the cast to dig deeper. Our community partners have always been our rock and have helped us expand arts programming and engagement across the city. What you will see on this stage is the result of a community coming together to create theater magic.

To the cast, you all should feel very proud of your accomplishments! I can tell that some of you picked up the theater bug, and I am here for it. You all know I am very hard to please, and am an unapologetic perfectionist, but to see your artistic growth over these months makes me want to reconsider my initial apprehension to directing children’s productions. You are all superstars in my eyes and destined for greatness. There is a line in “Loud”, that goes so fast, you may have missed the message. Pause a minute to reflect on the words –

Give yourself permission to shine

Tim Minchin

Never be embarrassed about aiming to be exceptional. Even when others may not recognize the light you bring into this world, never hide it.

We chose this production because it represents many of the things we hold dear, including standing up against injustice and being resilient. We are always looking to find creative ways to speak truth to power and encourage youth to be part of the change they seek in society. Also, Matilda is a fitting production to end the school year, with its heavy focus on literacy. Do not let the summer pass you by without spending quality in a book.

To the audience, we wanted to make sure you got all your money’s worth and then some. There is so much hard work that goes into putting on a musical, but it is all worth it when patrons like you come out to see it. I encourage you to stay connected to Momentum Collective Inc., through our various social media channels and on our website. We constantly solicit your feedback as we strive to one-up ourselves each time. Your continued support will mean the world to us.

Jason A. Ellis, MPA, Ed.S

Executive/Artistic Director – Momentum Collective Inc.